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How to deregister for VAT

    Deregistering for VAT in the UK can be a strategic move for businesses. The primary trigger is a sustained drop in turnover below the £85,000 threshold. Early-stage businesses or those experiencing a market decline might find VAT registration unnecessary.

    Deregistration isn’t an automatic option. You must meet specific criteria:

    • Falling below the VAT threshold: The current VAT threshold in the UK is £85,000. If your expected turnover for the next rolling 12 months falls below this amount, you can apply to deregister.
    • Ceasing to be a taxable person: If you’re permanently stopping your business activity or changing your legal structure and no longer require a VAT number, deregistration is necessary.

    Methods for Deregistration:

    Important Considerations:

    • Timeliness: It’s recommended to apply to deregister at least a month before your expected turnover falls below the threshold.
    • Outstanding VAT Payments: Any outstanding VAT liabilities must be settled before deregistration is approved.
    • Record Keeping: You’re legally required to retain VAT records for a minimum of six years after deregistration.

    Additional Points:

    • Selling your business: If you’re selling your business as a going concern, and the new owner intends to keep the VAT registration number, deregistration isn’t required. You’ll need to inform HMRC of the change in ownership.
    • Changing legal structure: If your business is changing its legal structure (e.g., from a sole trader to a limited company), you might need to deregister and re-register for VAT under the new structure.

    Remember: Deregistration has implications beyond simply stopping VAT payments. It impacts how you display prices, handle record-keeping, and interact with HMRC.

    This page is not actively updated, some information may be out of date and should not be used for professional advice.